Exploring creative coding using Processing, by using image(), copy(), get(), loadPixels() and updatePixels() functions to generatively pixelate the image. Then adding random() to the RGB value slightly to create a noise effect. By also adding mouseX and mouseY it creates interactions, moving the cursor to the right, top, and bottom area of the canvas will affect the amount of pixelation. With the bottom right being the least pixelation happening.
Pixelation without text
Pixelation with added text as narration
From the KÜRO editorial photographs are selected and then decide on the 10 images are used to be pixelated.

Check out KÜRO
Some issues that are found during visualising through code is that the pixelation is not according to the grid but kept moving around. Also, realising that the copy isn’t working as intended, where it’s copying on its left.

By just using copy to the background it’s not so clear where the pixelation is happening. It’s especially so when it’s heavily textured (trees) or not much textured (sky). Thus, adding noise effect by adjusting the RGB value slightly to create a moving noise/grain effect.​​​​​​​


